By the same rambling train of thought, journalists aren't helping matters. By publishing articles through news sources with mottos like "Fair and Balanced", the large majority of the population that misunderstands irony might be lead to believe that was an honest assessment of the stories published. Obviously, humor via absurdity is the intent in this story about President Obama's comment, "I can't change Washington unless I change voters".
The Fox News "journalist" goes so far as to mock Obama for the comment and suggest that it is his errors that lead to the dysfunctional government that has been operating during his Admiration. That dysfunction is the product of squabbling and elementary on the part of both parties. The President's job description does not include the role of parent or school principal. If there are problems in our communities, we should be taking action and not sitting around complaining until some new bill is introduced 3 years later.
Take responsibility for your life! Government is not there to live your life but to support the life you want for yourself, family and community.